Unity Field Healing can be considered, Consciousness Healing.
Lot of work has been done in recent years that shows how human consciousness affects health and well being and so the way we think, the way we habitually feel, the beliefs we hold and the pattern ways we think has a profound affect on our balance, our health and our well being.
Energy fields make up the totality of the human body, which includes the physical but also the mental, emotional and etheric body. You can feel this when in the presence of others; if two people have just had an argument you know it immediately when you walk into the room....you just felt the "vibe" or energy.
In fact everything in the world is energy. Even Einstein taught us that even things that are material and solid is actually.....just vibrating molecules. Energy
Here in our sessions we work in the most direct and mysterious way to help people unlock and release blockages and restrictions so they're able to heal and re-align flow.
Life and wellness follows.
Unity Field Healing is done initially in 3 Sessions:
The First Session is opening up your Spiritual DNA. The part of your DNA that is Quantum
The Second Session is an Attunement to an interdimensional light pattern termed the Unity Field Healing Template to help recalibrate your DNA
The Third Session is done with a specific intention, that is personal to the individual, to help with one's experience of healing and transformation. Examples of some intentions are; to Love yourself; to stop particular habits; to help heal specific challenges in the body etc. Creating a new path of life. What is your intention? What do you REALLY want?
January 2023: I recently discovered an intention that can be done as your third session; I call it Soul Healing and Renewal. The session helps release unwanted energies, memories and trauma that no longer serve you so that you can handle life on a more even emotional level. It has proven to be very helpful for those whom have experienced Cancer with Radiation and/or Chemo. I have seen it release the energies that are left over from those treatments.
Unity Field Healing is part of the future of healthcare!
All Sessions can be done in person or from a distance.
Please call or text me with any questions or to make an appointment at 216-215-0249.
Are you ready for the New You!
To read more about the origins of the technique, visit www.unityfieldhealing.com